Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: October 24th, 2002 Simon Jester returns Just in time for Halloween and its scary follow-up, Election Day ... Simon Jester has returned! Those of you who remember the Liberty Round Table's Simon Jester project of several years ago can skip the rest of this article and go directly to Simon's new site to get started! Simon has several new ideas to get your brain back into "gremlin mode," including an email campaign specially designed for Halloween. For those who weren't around for SJ's last appearance, a brief explanation is in order. Based on the little devil created by Robert A. Heinlein in the sci-fi classic "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," Simon Jester was the clever creation of a group of Loonies (lunar revolutionaries) fomenting rebellion. "Simon" tormented the lunar government with catchy little jokes, ditties, poems, slogans and cartoons, always signing his work with a little cartoon image of a grinning devil. Several years ago, the Knights of Non-Aggression at Liberty Round Table adopted SJ and started spreading the liberty meme, planting the seeds of liberty and signing their work with the SJ logo. SJ is back ... and better than ever. Realizing that busy activists may not have time to think up their own "liberty slogans" or may not have the artistic skills to format cards, flyers and posters, the SJ website offers a "starter kit" to download SJ business cards, sticky labels and, just in time for November 5th, election signs ("Why settle for the lesser of two evils") and "democracy" fliers. The card and sticker sets carry catchy freedom oriented quotes and slogans to get started -- "Writing to Washington won't help; he's dead!" "When only the police have guns, it's called a police state." "Fear of government is the second step to wisdom." They're all set up to print on standard Avery business card and shipping label forms. You can also download blank cards with the SJ logo and put in quotes and slogans of your choice. The SJ campaign is designed for a "cell of one," but if every time your "cell of one" does a Simon Jesterish activity, you add the SJ logo, it gives the appearance of a widespread organized "resistence" ... without the bother (or danger) of going to meetings, deciding on projects by consensus or vote, etc. If enough people start spreading the SJ "meme," soon the logo itself will stand as a comment on any attack on freedom: a government building, alphabet soup agency vehicle, political sign for a particularly statist politico, etc. (Of course, if you put a logo or sticker on private property, you should consider whether the owner might not appreciate it.) How will we know if we're succeeding? Well,if any of you see a SJ card, logo, etc. and you know that YOU didn't put it there, that'll be a clue ... remember the peace sign in the 60s? For ideas on where to put the posters, cards, fliers etc., see "What to Do with this Stuff" at the SJ website for pointers and let your imagination be your guide. No one knows YOUR community like you do ... plant the seeds there as only you know how to. This includes your "cyber community" ... SJ also has ASCII "cyber logos" to add to emails ... for an example, look at my signature on this column!) Several of the "anonymous" past actions we've discussed in the Action of the Week can easily be used in our "freedom gremlin" project, by simply adding the SJ logo, such as posting liberty oriented cartoons (If I Can't Dance) or sharing freedom oriented books. This week, let's each download some SJ materials to carry with us in our backpacks or purses and spread judiciously through our communities. Let's get started making the SJ logo as prevalent as the peace sign in the 60s ... with, hopefully, the same pervasive effect in changing our culture. Til next week For freedom! \____/ /* *\ \\__// Mary Lou Links: o Simon Jester Website o Bush-Bashing Email Campaign o Liberty Round Table o What to do with this stuff o If I Can't Dance o Release a freedom book into the wild o Action of the Week archive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: -----------------------------------------------------------------
In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.
, founded in 1995, is now a part of ISIL.