Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: ----- Featured Action of the Week ----- First Week of June, 2001: Free Paul Bryan Sometimes the great people here at Free-Market.Net cover for each other. Sometimes, they do so without even meaning to. This week's action opportunity is one of those cases. I'm going to give my usual pep talk, but then I'm going to turn you over to J.D. Tuccille, who will make it easy for you to do what needs to be done. In passing, I'd also like to thank Free-Market.Net member Paul Miniato, who brought the situation at hand to our attention. It would be a mistake to call democracy a libertarian notion as such. One man, one vote does not always render the best result if freedom is what we're after. But democracy, at least to some extent, is the best system we've been able to come up with for making political decisions in an optimal manner: instead of entrusting power to an individual or an oligarchy, we disperse that power and use the force of our arguments to convince a majority of the individuals to whom it is dispersed of the correctness of the course we recommend. Like I said, it isn't perfect. It can and does fail. And it is more likely to fail, and fail catastrophically, if we monkey around with the underlying mechanisms that make it work. One of those mechanisms is recognizing the right to freedom of speech. Dispersal of power via democracy is _guaranteed_ not to work if the voters are denied access to information on which to base their decisions. Which brings us to Paul Bryan. He's one of us -- a member of Free-Market.Net since 1998 -- and he's also the proprietor of a web site that features Canadian election news. He's also in trouble with the Canadian government for violating a law that imposes censorship on election results until all of the polls are closed. Arguments can be made that posting election results from the East can affect the outcome in the West. Those arguments are irrelevant. The _point_ of political speech is to affect election results ... isn't it? Mr. Bryan faces a fine of up to $25,000 (Canadian). Not for scrawling graffiti on someone else's property, or punching someone in the nose. Not even for lying or committing fraud, but for conveying _accurate information_ (which he has a right to do) to the public (who have a right to read it). As I stated earlier, Mr. Tuccille has done the legwork on this. Instead of posting a rehash of the links here, I'm sending you to his civil liberties site at About.Com to read his take on the issue. The article includes a summary of the case, links to relevant information, and, most importantly, contact information for Elections Canada, the enforcement body which is bringing these ridiculous charges. The action should be self-evident: use that information to convey your displeasure. You don't have to be from Canada. Suppression of free speech is an international problem with international implications. Countries like Canada (and the United States) are the ones who insist on sending election observers to countries with bad human rights records. Canada has just joined that category, and it's perfectly proper for someone from Tanzania or Russia or Sri Lanka to take the same steps that Canada would if the situation were reversed. Give'em hell. P.S. We've added a new feature to Action of the Week: an accessible archive of past columns. Feel free to browse -- and to act. Better late than never! Free Paul Bryan, by J.D. Tuccille: Action of the Week column archive: ----- Alternate Actions ----- The Freedom Action of the Week Club: Commit yourself to doing one action per week. If the action above doesn't appeal to you, consider one of the alternate actions at: If you know about another action or organize one of your own, e-mail Tom at so we can tell the rest of the group next week. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: ----------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________ Thomas L. Knapp | "Your genuine action will explain itself, and will Managing Editor | explain your other genuine actions. Your con- Free- Market.Net | formity explains nothing." | --Ralph Waldo Emerson _________________________________________________________________________
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