Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
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 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

First week of July, 2001:
Wave the flag for liberty

You may be wondering why "Action of the Week" is running late. 
A very good question, but I have answers for you.

Sometimes we have to be quick on our feet, and this week is a case 
in point. A few days ago -- just as I was wrapping up work for the 
column I had planned to send you this week (and which I will send 
you next week), our compatriots over at Bureaucrash caught wind 
of an "anti-corporate" campaign that deserved their kind of 

As you're no doubt aware, a primary function of Bureaucrash is 
taking on the statist quo on its own ground. This action is 
no exception.

We learned that a group called "AdBusters" is hyping a protest 
against corporate dominance that consists of flying the American 
flag, with 50 corporate logos replacing the traditional stars.

I won't lie to you: I have more than a little sympathy with this 
type of protest. The fact is that big business does have a great 
deal of power in today's society, and that that power can 
be abused. Unfortunately, groups like AdBusters want to address 
the symptoms by feeding the disease.

To be brief, much of the "anti-corporate" crowd wants a more active 
role for government in regulating the market -- when the primary 
cause of the problem is government involvement in the first place. 
Corporate welfare. Selective antitrust prosecutions. Trade barriers, 
tariffs and quotas.

As long as government maintains the power to affect the market, 
it will do so -- the only question is "on whose behalf?" And the 
obvious answer is "on behalf of those with the money to buy 

In response to the AdBusters campaign, Bureaucrash introduces the 
"Don't Tread On Me" project: flyers, stickers and posters, along 
with other tools, for calling attention to the real problem. 
And now, I'm going to turn you over to them so that you can get 
to work!

P.S. Speaking of flags, I'd like to mention this month's 
Free-Market.Net contest -- five free-marketeers will receive 
a historical flag of their choice from Americans for Technology 
Leadership. Don't forget to enter!

Bureaucrash's "Don't Tread on Me" project:

Win a flag in Free-Market.Net's July contest:

The original AdBusters campaign:

Americans for Technology Leadership:
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