Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
 other lists, click to:

 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

Third Week of July, 2001
Attention, KMart Shoppers

It wasn't too long ago that KMart heard from gun rights supporters, to the
effect that they wouldn't shop in a store which retained victim disarmament
mouthpiece Rosie O'Donnell as its spokesperson. At the time, they
apparently listened. O'Donnell's contract was not renewed. Chalk one up for
the good guys. Rosie has moved on to other endeavors. And gun owners
responded by doing business with KMart again.

A few weeks ago, I bought a computer from KMart. As a matter of fact, it's
the machine I am writing this article on. Imagine my surprise when one of
the very first email messages to come across my new electronic desktop was
an article about K-Mart's new policy of refusing to sell handgun ammunition.

Some people never learn.

Now, don't get me wrong. KMart is a private enterprise. It has the right to
sell what it wants to sell, and not sell what it doesn't want to sell.

And we have the right to shop where we want to shop, and not shop where we
don't want to shop -- and to tell the businesses we patronize or don't
patronize why.

This week's action is in several parts.

The first thing you can do is sign the petition created by Kent van Cleave
of the Arizona Liberty Nexus. This petition is a simple declaration of the
principles involved, and an announcement of a boycott to drive the point home.

After that, give KMart a call at 1-800-247-0200, ask for clarification of
their anti-ammunition policy, and politely register your opposition and
your intention not to shop at KMart while the policy exists.

These two actions will go a long way toward promoting a more responsive
attitude toward gun owners on KMart's part.

You can, however, do more, if you have the intestinal fortitude and time,
and if your ethics are not offended at the prospect of taking
"streetfighting" and "teach-in" tactics into the information age.

KMart offers "free" internet service to PC and Macintosh users -- 12 hours
a month via their Bluelight.Com service. This service is subsidized by an
ad banner on your computer's monitor. KMart hopes you'll shop with their
e-commerce subsidiary based on those ads.

The key here is that they don't _require_ you to buy anything. There's
nothing illegal whatsoever in signing up for a Bluelight.Com account, using
it, and buying nothing. As a matter of fact, there is nothing illegal in
using it to post messages -- from your Bluelight.Com account, of course --
touting the service to every advocate of freedom you know and asking them
to avail themselves of it.

To take it further, there is nothing to stop you from signing up for a
Bluelight.Com account, using the service, buying nothing, and using the
Bluelight feedback forms to explain _why_ you are buying nothing ... and
why you'll be happy to start purchasing things once the policy is reversed.

If you really want a reaction, sign up for the "Bluelight Rewards" program.
You'll be offered discounts on your first purchase, the chance to earn
additional free internet access, etc.

Do some shopping. Pick out a few items and put them in your electronic
"cart." Then proceed to the checkout, get your total ... and cancel your
order. Go to the feedback form and tell KMart how much you would have been
spending today -- if it wasn't for their anti-gun policies. Better yet, go
ahead and buy those items elsewhere first, and paste your receipt for them
into the feedback form to show KMart how much business it is sending

KMart has shown in the past that, when taken to the woodshed, it will
change its ways. It's time to get out the newspaper, roll it up, and swat
the errant puppy.

Kent Van Cleave's petition to KMart:


Arizona Liberty Nexus:

Action of the Week archive:

 ----- Alternate Actions -----

The Freedom Action of the Week Club: Commit yourself to doing one
action per week. If the action above doesn't appeal to you, consider
one of the alternate actions  at:

If you know about another action or organize one of your own, e-mail
Tom at so we can tell the rest of the group
next week.

 Please forward and copy freely, and include the following:

 The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net
 Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors.
 To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to:

 To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN
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 donation now: 

In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

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