Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: ----- Featured Action of the Week ----- Second Week of August, 2001 Lock and Load for Concealed Carry BREAKING NEWS: This week's action is not only late, it is somewhat superfluous. I'm running it as is (with the exception of this disclaimer) so that you know why it was late and what we had in store for you. John Horstman is a free man now. The charges, described below, have been dropped. The prosecutor has held a press conference, in which he indicated that he would not arrest anyone else on these bogus charges, but that he wants the legislature to close the "loophole" that actually allows people to exercise their rights. We won! Many of you heard about this situation and acted before I could have let you know about it. Action of the Week was running late because we were planning the activities described in the column; then it ran later when victory caught us right in the middle of doing so. Concealed, Carry, Inc., gun activists from around the U.S., and free-marketeers like yourself, faced down a bad prosecutor and made him blink. And we'll be prepared to do even more, even faster, next time. I still encourage you to take as many of the actions -- modified for the circumstances -- as you'd like, but the rally described is off. Remember this: it's cancelled. We won. It would have been a great event, but now it isn't necessary. But go ahead and write those letters. John Horstman still deserves our support and thanks, State's Attorney Birkett still needs to know he's being watched, and the DOJ and Illinois Attorney General should still be called on to look into this thing. And now, we return to our previously scheduled Action of the Week: Every once in awhile, the state hands us an opportunity, in the form of a particularly outrageous action. Such is the case in DuPage County, Illinois, and I propose that we make the most of it. As a matter of fact, I want to start redefining what "Action of the Week" is all about. The column is one year old this month, and it's time we took the next step. With the help of our partner organizations -- this week, Concealed Carry, Inc. ( is to be particularly thanked for all their great work -- we'll start making even bigger things happen. I'll continue to offer the usual panoply of "armchair opportunities:" things you can do from the comfort of your home, or at least requiring no more effort than a brisk walk to the mailbox or drive to your local library. But I'm going to start throwing in ways of actually taking our message to the streets as well. On July 25th, Illinois resident John Horstman decided to ride his bicycle. He also decided to carry his gun, but he wanted to do so legally. So, in compliance with Illinois law, he carried it unloaded, stored in a fanny pack, along with his "Firearms Owner ID Card." We could say that Mr. Horstman is an unlucky man, or we could say that DuPage County's prosecutors either don't know, or refuse to follow, the law. We are probably safe in assuming both. While Mr. Horstman biked to his heart's content, the county Sheriff began to receive complaints: someone was wandering around, exposing his genitalia to passersby, on the same trail that Horstman was on. Horstman was stopped by deputies -- despite the fact that the reported flasher was on foot, and that Horstman, a full-bearded man, didn't look anything like the clean-shaven suspect -- and quickly found himself in jail. Yes, jail. Horstman was charged with "Unlawful Use of a Weapon," a felony under Illinois law, even though his mode of carry was clearly within the guidelines set by that law. Mr. Horstman had the misfortune to be stopped in a county whose State's Attorney, one Joseph E. Birkett, had previously joined with two other State's Attorneys to publicly announce that they will flout the law and prosecute anyone carrying a weapon in a fanny pack. It gets worse ... but then, it always does, doesn't it? Horstman, who has no criminal record, is gainfully employed and represents no flight risk, was hit up for $250,000 in bond. This was after being strip-searched and forced into prison clothing, of course. The bail was set at this amount based primarily on the unsubstantiated connection of his arrest with the presence of a flasher in the area. The prosecutor neglected to mention that Horstman didn't match the description of the flasher, and wasn't regarded as a suspect in the exposure case. The unconnected fact of his arrest being related to the other case was simply hung out as a nice spoiler for any attempt to procure reasonable bail. Horstman is to be arraigned on August 20th. Be there, if you can (details below). Even if you can't, help improve the chance that these bogus charges will be thrown out immediately. I'd like to see Horstman's liberty and property restored, and Mr. Birkett charged with the violation of Horstman's civil rights under color of law and put in jail where he belongs -- preferably with a much higher bond than he managed to attach to Horstman. Birkett is obviously a threat to the public safety in a way that Horstman never could contemplate being. Here's what you can do: First and foremost, Mr. Horstman needs to know that he has friends on his side. Drop him an email at and let him know that you are one among many who will not rest while he continues to be victimized. Secondly, let State's Attorney Birkett know that you're onto him, that you won't forget, and that even if he gets away this time, he can look forward to a lifetime of waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no statute of limitations applicable to crimes against humanity. You can tell him so at If you can help with a donation to the defense fund, mail a check (sorry, it isn't tax deductible) to: Concealed Carry, Inc. Defense Fund PO Box 4597 Oak Brook, IL 60523-2708 Finally, drop a line to Jim Ryan, the state's Attorney General (via the form at, and to the U.S. Department of Justice, attn: Attorney General John Ashcroft and/or Criminal Division (email This letter should assert the facts of the case (see links for info) and request an investigation, referral to the U.S. Attorney for Eastern Illinois, and prosecution of State's Attorney Birkett under USC Title 18, Sections 241 and 242. And now, the extra mile you can walk: John Horstman's arraignment is scheduled for 1:30 p.m at the DuPage County Judicial Center in Wheaton, Illinois. A rally in his support will be held at the same time. Activists are encouraged to attend -- wearing fanny packs, of course. Afterward, there should be an opportunity to meet Mr. Horstman and offer him thanks and encouragement. I'm going to make every effort to attend this rally myself, and I have no doubt that you'll see other free-marketeers there as well. As a matter of fact, Free-Market.Net is committed to supporting the rally in every way possible, and we'd like your help. It's time to put a stop to this nonsense, to secure the rights of gun owners against infringement by any random bureaucrat who refuses to honor either the law or his oath to it. If you want to let Free-Market.Net know you're coming, or need information that the links below don't contain, drop a line to We'll make an effort to keep free-marketeers informed of any new developments. You may receive a supplemental mailing between now and the 20th with the most up-to-date information. I'll try not to make a habit of that; Action of the Week will remain a weekly list, just as described when you joined it. Information on the rally (time, location, details): Subscribe to the rally discussion to find a couch to crash on, hook up with friends, etc.: We've located a KOA campground in the area for you outdoors types: Or, if you are looking for a hotel instead, see the directory at: LEGAL INFORMATION: Concealed Carry, Inc., has a page on the Illinois law under which fanny pack carry is legal at: ... and federal law clearly states the penalties for Birkett's attack on gun owners: See you in Wheaton! ----- Alternate Actions ----- The Freedom Action of the Week Club: Commit yourself to doing one action per week. If the action above doesn't appeal to you, consider one of the alternate actions at: If you know about another action or organize one of your own, e-mail Tom at so we can tell the rest of the group next week. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: -----------------------------------------------------------------
In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.
, founded in 1995, is now a part of ISIL.