Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: ----- Featured Action of the Week ----- Fifth Week of January, 2002: State Your Case Here in the United States, we have a tradition -- dating from the presidency of Abraham Lincoln -- wherein the chief executive addresses Congress annually on "the State of the Union." The purpose of this speech is to describe the current status of American polity and policy and to point out the direction the president intends to take in the coming year. This strikes me as a surprisingly good idea, whatever the content of the speech may be. It's sort of an annual reconsideration of the past year's events and a tip-off to where the next year might take us. It's such a good idea, as a matter of fact, that I think more people ought to be doing it. Not just leaders, but individuals; not just in the United States, but everywhere. Action of the Week tends to concentrate on discrete, individual issues: little things you can do to have an effect on this policy or that activity. Sometimes, though, it's useful to consider things in the round, and I'd like you to do something this week that I haven't asked you do in awhile. I'd like you to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, summarizing your views about where we've been and where we're going. You might do so in the context of President's Bush's State of the Union Address (link to the full text, courtesy of Free-Market.Net partner Citizens for a Sound Economy, below), or you might wing it and venture out on your own, but what I am looking for here, as opposed to a specific recommendation on a specific matter, is a general description of the world as you see it and how it can be made better. You don't have to be an American to do this. Wherever you live, it's likely that your community faces ongoing issues and that it needs ongoing discussion about its political direction. Your "state of the union" letter might be the "state of Scotland" or the "state of Slovakia" or even the "state of [insert the name of your town here]." It's not as difficult as it sounds. As a matter of fact, this action was inspired by exactly such an article, written by Ted Lang for Etherzone, titled "A Citizen's State of the Union." Not necessarily the content of the article, but that Mr. Lang took the time to say "this is what I see. This is what I believe. This is where I want to go." It can't hurt, of course, if your letter refers readers to organizations or sites that further detail what you're trying to recommend. The idea here, from my point of view, is that libertarians are often seen simply as contrarians: whatever is under consideration, we're against. You and I know that that is not the case, but the non-libertarian reader can be forgiven for thinking it is when we fail to offer an encompassing vision of what we're after instead of ad hoc, position-by-position arguments about specific issues. To get started, let's look at some resources on the State of the Union address as delivered by president Bush: Citizens for a Sound Economy's transcript of the speech: CSE's commentary on the speech: Competitive Enterprise Institute's commentary on the speech: The Cato Institute's analysis of the speech: "A Citizen's State of the Union" by Ted Lang: Don't forget, if you need help or would like to share your work, to visit Free-Market.Net's Letters to the Editor Forum: And, finally, for back issues of Action of the Week: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: ----------------------------------------------------------------- .................................. J.D. Tuccille Senior Editor Free-Market.Net email: ..................................
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