Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
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 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

Third Week of March
Tax preparation without representation

Rumors began popping up last week that H&R Block, the most prominent tax
preparation service in the United States, had withdrawn from an affiliate
agreement which would have paid the National Rifle Association a royalty
for every NRA member who used H&R Block's services.

Those rumors turned out to be true; moreover, the company made it quite
clear that its purpose in withdrawing from the agreement, under pressure
from victim disarmament advocates, was to "not take a position on social

To the extent that H&R Block did engage in an affiliate agreement that
would have directed funds to the NRA, however, they *were* taking a
position on a social issue -- a positive position in favor of the right of
America's tens of millions of gun owners to keep and bear arms. And they
were doing so for the explicit purpose of attracting the business of the
NRA's more than three million members.

In withdrawing from the affiliate agreement, of course, H&R Block also took
a position on a social issue -- the position that the good opinion of the
victim disarmament lobby was more important to it than the good opinion of
(and the business patronage of) those who respect our constitutionally
guaranteed rights.

This week, I hope that you'll join me in showing H&R Block that they made a
poor decision. If you're looking for help with your tax returns, please
find someone other than H&R Block to prepare them. If you've been a
customer of H&R Block in the past, look for a new firm to handle your tax
preparation. In either case, let the company know why you're going
elsewhere with your business.

Free-Market.Net partner organization KeepAndBearArms.Com makes the whole
process easy, with coverage of the situation and an action plan for
expressing your sentiments. Their page on the issue includes links to a
facsimile of H&R Block's letter to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
(sic) and to that organization's crowing press release announcing the
company's pusillanimous surrender to the victim disarmament lobby's demands.

KeepAndBearArms.Com's page on the H&R Block controversy:

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