Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
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 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

Fourth Week of April, 2002
Speak your piece on medical privacy

Sometimes an issue goes on for long enough that people forget about it.
Sometimes the enemies of freedom *count* on dragging an issue out for long
enough that its final outcome will go unnoticed. And in the radical shift
of American priorities since last September 11th, it's likely that we're
going to miss some very important issues as they slip through the cracks.

Medical privacy was a hot item in the waning days of the Clinton
administration, and Bush Health and Human Services appointee Tommy Thompson
aroused considerable ire when he indicated his intention to let some of the
more onerous acts of that administration stand. Privacy advocates rallied
to the cause of defeating the final Medical Privacy Rule as entered in the
Federal Register on December 28th, 2000.

Since that time, Thompson (and before him, his predecessor, Donna Shalala)
have conferred with representatives of the health care industry as to just
how far incursions on medical privacy can be taken. The call for *public*
comment, issued on March 27th of this year, went largely unnoticed by a
nation still fixated on war, terrorism and foreign policy.

The deadline for public comment is this Friday, April 26th. The issue is
more important than ever. Your comments could help make the difference
between federal rules that protect privacy and federal rules that sacrifice

This week -- before Friday -- I'm asking you to take the time to weigh in
on this urgent matter. Several of Free-Market.Net's partner organizations
have made information and tools available to help you form an opinion and
express it.

The Institute for Health Freedom has created an action page explaining how
to get effective comments to HHS in a timely manner, by snail mail (the
preferred method) or electronically. The page also includes links to the
HHS site, which offers the full text of the rule.

IHF and other FMN partners -- as well as a number of non-partner
organizations and publications -- have analyzed the rule so that you can
knowledgeably address it. You can find their articles on the subject in
Free-Market.Net's resource directories on health and privacy.

I can't tell you what your concerns will be or how you should state your
case, but the matter is too important to be ignored by lovers of liberty.

Get your two cents' worth in.

Institute for Health Freedom's action page on the Medical Privacy Rule:

Free-Market.Net's resource directory links on health and privacy:

Action of the Week archive:

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In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

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