Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
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Second Week of June, 2002: Fly the True Flag of Freedom

I'm a flag collector as well as a big fan of flag flying, and every
year I look forward eagerly to the various occasions when flag
fans display their banner of choice at their home. There's July 4,
Memorial Day, Confederate Memorial Day, Patriots Day, and, of course,
June 14, Flag Day. (Well, actually, I fly flags for other occasions
too, including "when I feel like it," but the "flag days" are kinda
special -- other folks fly flags then too, not just us "flag nuts.")

Flag Day was first celebrated in 1877, the centennial of the
U.S. flag's existence. After that many citizens and organizations
advocated the adoption of a national day of commemoration for the
U.S. flag. It was not until 1949 that President Harry Truman signed
legislation making Flag Day a day of national observance.

In a Joint Resolution on June 9, 1966, the Congress requested that
the President  issue annually a proclamation designating the week
in which June 14 occurs as National Flag Week and calling upon
citizens of the United States to display the flag during that week.

I've been thinking a lot about the flag this year. Due to 9/11,
and to our glorious leaders advising us to show our "patriotism" by
flying the flag and shopping,  the thought of  just flying the Stars
and Stripes on Flag Day this year has left me cold.  I was going
to protest by the time-honored method of "voting with my feet" and
not flying a flag at all this June 14, but an article by Strike the
Root's Don Hull  -- "The True Flag of Freedom" -- set me thinking ...

In my flag collection, I have the three most familiar  "Colonial
Rattlesnake Flags:"  the Gadsden Flag (the familiar yellow one with
curled rattler and the "Don't Tread on Me" slogan), Culpepper (the
white one with curled snake and Liberty or Death slogan as well
as DTOM), and the  First Navy Jack (striking snake). This year,
for Flag Day, I'm going to fly one of my Rattlesnake Flags ... the
"true flag of freedom." Or maybe all three. And I'd like to propose,
as this week's action, that we all do the same. Fly the flag of
FREEDOM this year on June 14!

If you don't have, and can't acquire, an alternative flag, another
way of registering your feelings is to copy an old sea tradition:
a flag flown upside down is the international symbol for "ship in
distress." If you only have the Stars and Stripes, invert them.

But wait ... there's more.

On June 20, 1985, the Ninety-Ninth Congress passed and President
Reagan signed Public Law 99-54 recognizing the PAUSE FOR THE PLEDGE
OF ALLEGIANCE as part of National Flag Day activities. The  National
Flag Day Foundation says "No matter where you are on Flag Day,
June 14th at 7:00 p.m. please stand and face an American Flag and
say just thirty one words -- The Pledge of Allegiance."

Well, it just so happens that Aaron Zelman and Claire Wolfe (of
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership) have written a
marvelous NEW pledge ... the Freedom Pledge. Here it is ...

"I pledge my honor to the Bill of Rights, our precious national

"As the Bill is a fortress against tyranny, I will battle all

"As the Bill protects liberty, I will live free.

"As the Bill guards rights born within all humanity, I will defend
the freedoms of future generations.

"With my life, my words, and my daily deeds, with a vision of what
can be, I honor all of the Bill of Rights for all mankind."

Aaron and Claire say the Freedom Pledge is NOT supposed to "replace
the Pledge of Allegiance," but this year, on Flag of Freedom Day
2002, I think it's  appropriate.

So, for this Flag Day, June 14 ... let's all fly the "true
flag of freedom," and, at 7 p.m., proudly proclaim the Pledge of
Freedom. This year, you may be the only person on your block doing
this ... but next year? Who knows. It may just catch on.

Til next Week

For Freedom!

Mary Lou


The True Flag of Freedom:

Gadsden  Flag History

Introducing: The Freedom Pledge:

Rattlesnake Flags from Flagline:

Action of the Week archive:

In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

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