Peter McWilliams, 1950-2000

Link to

Please help spread the word about this tribute by putting a link from your Web site.

Here are a couple different styles you might want to use. (To copy an image to your own Web server, first download it to your local hard drive by placing the cursur over the graphic, choosing "View Image," and clicking on "Save As" under the "File" in the menu at the top of your Web browser. Then you can upload the image from your hard drive to your Web server.)

To use this 120 x 120 pixel 4KB button: Peter McWilliams 1950-2000

copy-and-paste this HTML:
<P><DIV ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/hero/images/forahero120x120.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=120 ALT=" Peter McWilliams 1950-2000" BORDER=0></A></DIV>

To use this 120 x 60 pixel 3KB button: Peter McWilliams 1950-2000

copy-and-paste this HTML:
<P><DIV ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/hero/images/forahero120x60.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=" Peter McWilliams 1950-2000" BORDER=0></A></DIV>

To use this alternate 120 x 60 pixel 5KB button (contributed by Bob Smith of Minnesota, who says this photo is the way he wants to remember him. "He was a happy, positive man, in spite of his troubles."): Peter McWilliams 1950-2000

copy-and-paste this HTML:
<P><DIV ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/hero/images/forahero120x60-alt.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 ALT=" Peter McWilliams 1950-2000" BORDER=0></A></DIV>

To use this 240 x 60 pixel 3KB banner: Peter McWilliams 1950-2000

copy-and-paste this HTML:
<P><DIV ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/hero/images/forahero240x60.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=60 ALT=" Peter McWilliams 1950-2000" BORDER=0></A></DIV>

To use this 468 x 60 pixel 7KB banner: Peter McWilliams 1950-2000

copy-and-paste this HTML:
<P><DIV ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="/hero/images/forahero468x60.gif" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 ALT=" Peter McWilliams 1950-2000" BORDER=0></A></DIV> is an informal effort coordinated by friends and fans of Peter McWilliams along with a group of sponsor organizations. Please join us. Click here for easy ways you can help.

The Web site is donated by The Henry Hazlitt Foundation as part of . E-mail or click here for more contact information.