Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
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 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

Second Week of January, 2002
It's a Whole New Year

Happy New Year, folks! I trust that your holidays were safe and happy and
that you're ready to hit 2002 running.

As you've probably noticed, I like to use "Action of the Week" as a
showcase for the opportunities provided by Free-Market.Net's partner
organizations. We're proud of our relationships with the cream of the
free-market crop. For more than six years, we've worked to become the
"networking force" in the freedom movement, bringing together people who
value liberty with the organizations that can help them put their beliefs
into action for real change. So I hope you'll understand that this week's
action, while it may seem somewhat sidewise and less direct than most, is
just as important as any I've asked you to do.

Since September 11th, non-profits and politically oriented organizations
have taken it in the pocketbook. Hard. There are reasons for this: many
people gave until it hurt to the relief effort. Others were hit with sudden
economic uncertainty and decided to forego making donations. Still others
realized that the movement was entering a period of flux, and waited to see
which side the organizations they might be inclined to support came down on.

Those are all understandable reasons. That doesn't minimize their impact.
I've talked with people around the movement over the last few months, and
I've seen a pattern, however. A pattern that needs to be broken. At a time
when they most need your support, many of the freedom movement's most
valued institutions are struggling to pay the bills.

This week, I'd like you to take a hard look at our many partner
organizations, and make the commitment to support one or more of them
financially. These are the groups that, year after year, crisis after
crisis, have stood up for your rights, provided you with the most
up-to-date information on the matters that affect your lives and fought
unflaggingly for freedom in a world where freedom is as yet a far-off ideal
in many respects.

They need your help. Some are doing better than others. None are likely to
turn away a helping hand. All of them deserve one.

I would be remiss if I didn't include Free-Market.Net in this appeal. We
can always use your help, whether it is expressed financially in a direct
donation, or in your work to convince organizations you're involved in to
become FMN partners.
Choose wisely, but choose. Many of our partner organizations offer
wonderful premiums for your financial support. Others, like we ourselves,
choose to deliver the goods for "free" and trust in your generosity to
carry us through and allow us to continue delivering those goods.

It's not very often that I ask you to take an action that requires you to
part with money. This time, I'm asking you to do exactly that, and offering
you a full menu of issues and organizations to choose from.

You decide the amount and where it goes yourself, but I'd like to suggest
that freedom is worth at least the amount you make in one hour for every
month of the year. If every subscriber to the email version of this list
makes $6.00 an hour (I suspect our average income is far above that), such
a commitment from all of you would mean nearly $5,000 a month -- $60,000 a
year -- being pumped into the freedom movement.

It's not a lot from each of us -- but it's a lot to the organizations doing
the work.
While you're at it, you can help us by telling the organization you choose
to support that you heard about them from Free-Market.Net.

Free-Market.Net's Partner Organizations:

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Action of the Week Archive: 

 Please forward and copy freely, and include the following:

 The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net
 Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors.
 To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to:

 To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN
 and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible
 donation now: 

In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

, founded in 1995, is now a part of ISIL.

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