Freedom Action of the Week
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 Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
 Edited by Thomas L. Knapp. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and
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 ----- Featured Action of the Week -----

Third Week of January, 2002
Crank Up the Volume

I talk a lot about politics in this column. Activism is almost always
framed in political terms: stop this government action, encourage that move
toward freedom, vote, lobby, push the ideas into the forum of political

Sometimes it's easy (to turn a phrase around) to miss the trees while
looking at the forest. One of the trees in the forest of emerging liberty
is culture. No, scratch that. Culture is the soil in which the trees of
freedom must be planted if they are to grow strong and tall. Yeah, that's it.

I'm going to start mixing in some more culturally oriented items in Action
of the Week. Not every week, to be sure -- politics will always be with us
-- but on occasion. It's time we got serious about introducing freedom into
every niche, not just the political.

And this week, I'm starting with music.

There's a lot of music out there with a libertarian theme. Some of it is
already "mainstream" and is heard on the radio and in the clubs. Other
songs and bands aren't.

This week's action can be undertaken on many levels, depending on your
personal situation.

If you work for a radio station or in a club, you might be in a position to
popularize deserving freedom-oriented music by putting it into the
rotation. If you're a listener or club prowler, you can _request_ it and
possibly be listened to.

If you prefer your MP3 or CD player to radio or club-hopping, you can at
least listen ... and so can your friends when they're over or you're having
a party.

Of course, it also depends on what kind of music you're into.

Country fans who are a little weary of "Proud To Be An American" (not that
there's anything wrong with that song) might be interested in the work of
Free-Market.Net's very own Steve Trinward. Steve lives in Nashville and
pursues a career as a songwriter -- and he brings the same sentiments to
that endeavor that he does to his libertarian activism and his editorial
work here at Free-Market.Net.  

And his "Living Liberty" _ought_ to be a standby anthem of country radio.
Download it. You'll see. Or, rather, hear.

Everyone, of course, is not into country. How about "the world's greatest
(and only) Afro-Celtic Yiddish Ska band," the Fenwicks? These guys are some
serious rhythm players, with two CDs under their belts. Buy one -- you can
download some MP3 files first to make sure this is your kind of music. If
you like to dance, it is. Listen to "Man First" and then try to tell me
that pop-ska outfits like No Doubt or the Mighty Mighty Bosstones have
_anything_ on the Fenwicks.

I could spend all day pointing to artists and bands who get the message out
-- who create the cultural soil from which a forest of newborn freedom
activists can ascend toward the sky. I could make a case for several operas
(especially any production of Faust, with its subtextual commentary on the
nature of power and "deals with the devil") as works of proto-libertarian
culture. And it's escaped no one's notice that Rush's tour de force,
"2112," is dedicated "to the genius of Ayn Rand" for obvious reasons.

But enough details. This week, check out some libertarian tunes. Do what
you can to get them buzzing in people's ears. And dance a little.

"Living Liberty" by Steve Trinward:

Steve's home page:

The Fenwicks home page, with MP3 downloads and CD purchase links:

Action of the Week Archive: 

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