Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: Fourth week of July, 2002: TIPS for tat That uncomfortable, warm feeling you got last week was the latest upward temperature adjustment to the "frog-boiling pot." A lot of people noticed and a lot of the froggies started jumping for the rim. On Sunday, July 14, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Bush administration was planning a national "citizen spy network" (Terrorism Information and Prevention System) as part of its new "Citizen Corps" initiative. Naturally, this news immediately became the dominant subject of Internet political discussion. By Monday the ACLU was calling TIPS an "end run around the Constitution" and articles, editorials and talk show hosts were -- accurately -- comparing TIPS to the the old STASI informant network that made life in East Germany the horror it was. Noticing that the ripples of unease were disturbing even the normally placid general public, the Department of Justice immediately began to backpedal, downplaying TIPS (and coming up with some great euphemisms for "citizen spies"). By Wednesday, even the U.S. Post office felt compelled to denounce TIPS and inform the public that its letter carriers wouldn't be participating. Too late. The commotion continued throughout the week, with petitions, cartoons and parodies appearing on the Web and in print. By this time the politicians were getting into the act and, on Friday, the final House "markup" of the bill creating a new Homeland Security Department included language that would allegedly prohibit programs such as Operation TIPS. So ... is TIPS dead? Well, reports indicate that the Justice Dept. is still going ahead with the project. But the water temperature is back down to a simmer, and most Americans will, more than likely, turn their attention to other things (like the meltdown of their stock portfolios), at least for the moment. Which is where we come in. TIPS deserves our continued attention. The roil and boil has settled down, but the danger that TIPS presents hasn't disappeared. It's just lost it's "latest new thing" shine with the media. They've moved on. We can't. For this week's action, I've compiled several of the action ideas that liberty activists came up during last week's tumult. Citizen Corps remains. TIPS is still out there. If you have any doubts that Citizen Corps is more than Neighborhood Watch on steroids, just have a look at the project's site. The "manual" for "local officials," for example; and especially the creepy "Record of Service" option that allows would-be stormtroopers to heap accolades on themselves (theoretically in private -- nothing like your own shrine, eh)? OK, now for the action ideas... First, sign Wayne Madsen's online petition "No cooperation with the U.S. Stasi," which says "we categorically reject President Bush's Freedom Corps, Citizens Corps, Citizens Corps Councils, Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), Volunteers in Police Service, and Neighborhood Watch Program." Sign it and forward it to everyone you know. Second, Kent van Cleave's wonderful "Bush Brigades" poster. Print that sucker out and post it on every bulletin board you can find in meatspace. The third action is prospective: if TIPS does start up August 1, (as DOJ is insisting it will), get ready to mark the vehicles of TIPS informants with a chalkmark (or run off the "eye" emblem as a "fink sticker" for their bumpers) and register them at Brad Templeton's "Operation TIPS-TIPS" site, an online registry for informing on the informers. Fourth, think about joining other activists who are starting their OWN version of the "Coordinating Councils"... Bill of Rights Enforcement Coordinating Councils and "registering" these councils with the Citizen Corps... "to support the war on terror by monitoring, reporting on and promoting intervention against a particularly pernicious form of terrorism: violation of citizens' constitutional rights by government officials and employees." Last week was an exciting one for activists ... the maneuverings of Leviathan as it sought to placate the froggies, the surge of activism from left and right, the sense that all is not lost, not yet, that enough of "us" are still ready to take action on a moment's notice to make Leviathan pause. Let's keep the momentum going. Til next week For freedom! Mary Lou == Citizen Corps: The Sydney Morning Herald Story -- July 15: Amanda Bowen: The Stasi are coming: Petition: No cooperation with the U.S. Stasi: Operation RATS: A week in the life of a TIPS volunteer: The Bush Brigade (poster) by Kent van Cleave: Operation TIPS-TIPS -- Report TIPS informants: Normandy Township Bill of Rights Enforcement Coordinating Council: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. 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