Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: October 1, 2002 Free the children If you still doubt that the education received by children in America's "public" schools is under attack by statist educators and politicians who are convinced they know "what's best" for children, take a look at The Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 (CIPA). This attack on educational freedom requires all public schools and libraries receiving certain federal funds or discounts to install Internet blocking or "filtering" software to prevent children from viewing material considered by the politicians to be "harmful to minors." The Electronic Freedom Foundation has recently completed research that shows that no filter can identify these illegal materials or distinguish them from valuable web content of all kinds. The result, of course, is that "publicly" schooled children are deprived of yet another opportunity to learn anything the politicians deem "unsuitable." EFF is urging repeal of CIPA. Liberty-minded proponents of "school vouchers" should take special note: no matter that vouchers will allow parents to "choose" a school, government schools themselves will never be able to provide an environment suitable for a learning experience "unapproved" by the government. Whether or not EFF is successful in this repeal effort, there will always be another and yet another similar attempt by the statists to control "public" educational opportunities. A growing number of parents have, sensibly, liberated their children from government schools and are sending their kids to private schools or even homeschooling. The increase in the number of homeschoolers and the resources available to them is encouraging to freedom lovers (and must be especially galling to the statists). Every child removed from a government school is one less "future citizen" that government can mold to its will. This week, let's take a closer look at the growing movement to "liberate children from government schools," and do our part to join in and assist this movement toward "government-free" education! Those with school age children, and the time and resources to do so, should definitely look into homeschooling. Even if you believe that you don't have the time or resources for it, there's help for "part- time" schooling. Certainly no parent should feel "less capable" of educating his or her children than the "experts" in the government schools. A tutor in "weak" areas (I know I would have to find someone else to teach algebra) might make the difference. One of the saddest results of our dependence on government to educate our children is the pervasive theory that children should only be taught by specialists in special places, ignoring the wealth of knowledge and experience individuals have that can and should be passed on to our children. As a starting point, check out the laws in your state controlling homeschooling: The Home School Legal Defense Association offers a Guide to State Laws. The Separation of School and State Alliance provides resources for parents investigating their options, including homeschooling, private schools, community schools, online resources for curricula, and scholarships. EducationalFreedom.Com also provides an excellent Family Education Resources page, as do the Alliance for Intellectual Freedom in Education and Lost Horizons. Each of these pages will lead you to other resources. Indeed, the number of resources currently available is staggering. Those who do not have school age children can (and should) still participate in this movement to "free the children" from government schools. If you have not already done so, please sign the Alliance's Proclamation, which states "I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education." More importantly, you can volunteer to help and support homeschoolers in your own community. While researching this article, I talked to several freedom lovers who are also homeschoolers, and all were excited about the idea of having volunteers available for individual or group tutoring and mentoring, as well as administrative work, PR, legislative lobbying and every other task you can imagine. Third, while a good proportion of homeschoolers are freedom lovers, many, of course, may not be familiar with "liberty-oriented" materials available for children -- for example, the "Jonathan Gullible" series or Karl Hess's "Capitalism for Kids." One valuable service we can perform is to help introduce these and other liberty- oriented resources to homeschoolers, individually or through their associations and support groups. While it's easy to volunteer at your local "public" school, finding a homeschooler to help may be a bit more of a challenge. Fortunately, there is help available. The Home School Legal Defense Association has a worldwide Guide to Home School Organizations; Jon's Homeschool Resource Page has links to state organizations, support groups, email lists and web pages of homeschoolers. If there isn't already a homeschool support group in your community, helping to organize one would be a wonderful use of your time that would pay off big dividends for the future. Let's join forces with the movement to "separate school and state" and do our part to free the children, for a better chance at a free future. Til next week For Freedom Mary Lou Links o Electronic Freedom Foundation Alert on CIPA o Internet Filtering Software Wrongly Blocks Many Sites o Home School Legal Defense Assn. Guide to State Laws o Separation of School & State Alliance: Liberating your children from government schools o Family Education Resources o Alliance for Intellectual Freedom in Education o Lost Horizons Home School Resources o Separation of School & State Alliance Proclamation o HSLDA Guide to Home School Organizations o Jon's Homeschool Resource Page o Jonathan Gullible o Karl Hess's Capitalism for Kids ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. 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In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.
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