Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
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October 9, 2002
The songs of freedom

In my first Action of the Week column, "The Everyday Activist," I 
talked a bit about building a culture of liberty as a prerequisite to 
changing the system to one that respects individualism and 
freedom. Since then, we've explored actions that seek to build our 
"liberty culture" through sharing books, cartoons and articles, and 
through working with groups engaged in specific freedom oriented 
tasks (from medical marijuana and gun rights to homeschooling 
and free speech). 

This week, I'd like to suggest we work on bringing some liberty-
oriented themes to the music we hear in "our world," the music 
that we hear on the airwaves, that streams from Net radio, as well 
as the music we sing ourselves, on our commutes to work, with 
our families and friends, or at political gatherings. 

The LP News (the Libertarian Party's membership newspaper) ran 
an article in 2001 on "The top 25 Liberty Songs," chosen from over 
200 suggestions sent in by LP News readers ... selections range 
from "I did it my way" by Frank Sinatra to the Grateful Dead's 
"Liberty" and Ice-T's "Freedom of Speech." The listed songs run 
the gamut: rock, rap, pop, folk, and country; all should still be 
available to your local radio station or favorite Net station. So, our 
first action can be to simply look at the LP News list, pick a couple 
of your favorites, and call in (or e-mail) requests to your local 
stations on a regular basis. 

Next, just in time for this action (and part of what inspired it), JPFO 
has just released a marvelous CD, "I Will Live Free: Songs 
Celebrating The Bill of Rights" by popular patriotic songwriter Dan 
Starr. The songs include a lively Fourth-Amendment country rocker 
"Steal Your Stuff;" "The Guardian," a song about the Second 
Amendment that protects the rest of "the ten;" a poignant lament, 
"As Time Goes By," for a man imprisoned with no Bill of Rights 
protections in a foreign land; and even two songs for children. 
Sounds good, huh? Order the CD, take a copy to your local radio 
station and encourage them to play these songs on the air. (And, 
of course, play it at home, learn the songs and sing them along 
with your friends.) 

The third action is not for all of us ... but, I urge everyone of y'all 
that has the talent to write a song ... if you can write music but 
words floor you, team up with a wordsmith, and vice versa. Steve 
Trinward's song "Living Liberty" is a good example of a liberty lover 
who can write a darn good song ... and I just bet there are more of 
you out there. Give it a shot, and, if you do come up with a "liberty 
song," let me know and I'll do my best to spread the word. 

One of the things I've noticed in my "organizing life" has been the 
power of music to energize and build a movement. Where would 
the union movement have been without the "Solidarity" song? We 
too can use the power of music, to help build our culture of liberty.

Til next week

For Freedom!

Mary Lou


  o The Everyday Activist

  o The Top 25 Liberty Songs

  o JPFO's "I Will Live Free"

  o Living Liberty

  o Action of the Week archive:

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