Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: October 16, 2002 Liberty themes in film and on TV Last week we talked about spreading the liberty "meme" through music. This week, let's continue our work on creating a culture of liberty by spreading the word about liberty in film and TV. Let's face it: the average person nowadays simply doesn't read many books. But they do watch TV and movies and rent videos. When doing this type of general cultural outreach, films, TV shows and videos are a powerful tool. Libertarian and anti- government themes have always been relatively popular in the film world. Back in 1998, the staff of the Orange County Register picked "the top 20 libertarian films," including classics such as "A Man for All Seasons," "The Fountainhead," "Casablanca" and the Marx Brothers' "Duck Soup" as well as more contemporary films. Since 1998, of course, there have been several notable additions to this list, such as "Lord of the Rings" and "The Patriot." Miss Liberty's Film & TV World has a "Libertarian Video Store" with a listing of videos available for purchase on EBay, updated weekly, links to other sources for libertarian oriented films and videos, and, best of all, a weekly email newsletter with news on upcoming films, videos and TV broadcasts. You can also buy Jon Osborne's book "Miss Liberty's Guide to Film and Video: Movies for the Libertarian Millennium," which includes reviews of over 250 libertarian films. Even in the vast wasteland of network TV shows, occasionally a libertarian-themed show slips under the radar. This years sci-fi hit, Joss Whedon's "Firefly," which airs Fridays on FOX at 8PM (7PM CST) is set 500 years from now, in a future where the "Alliance" has just been victorious against the "Independents" in a galaxy- wide civil war. Captain Malcolm (Mal) Reynolds, a defeated "Independent" soldier who opposed the unification of the planets by the Alliance, commands a small transport ship, Serenity. Serenity and its crew flies to the border planets, many of which are barely inhabited, because they want to stay away from the Alliance and below its big radar, for legitimate transport and salvage runs, as well as more entrepreneurial endeavors. The title song, "Ballad of Serenity," is unabashedly libertarian. Most of us are familiar with John Stossel's investigative pieces on ABC, which more often than not concentrate on government abuse, stupidity, or the evils of regulation. Last summer's "Just Say No," on the failure of the War on Drugs, is only one example of Stossel's excellent work at getting libertarian themes into the mainstream. For an "Objectivist investigative TV news show" that's in the development stage, check out FreeNation TV. This is one you can get in on the ground floor and help make it a reality! The tools are "out there." It's up to us to help spread them to others. Of all the "arts," TV depends the most on ratings; if we want to see more "Firefly"-type shows, and if we want ABC to continue giving Stossel the go-ahead on his liberty-oriented pieces, we need to make sure the word gets out about these shows. Miss Liberty's email newsletter is a good way to keep up with what's coming on the air; check it out weekly and pluck a few "hot items" to send to your own lists and forums and to tell your friends and co- workers about. The goal is to get your "water cooler gang" at work talking about "Firefly" and Stossel (instead of "Cops" and Jay Leno, for example.) For another way to keep "in the know," there's the Libertarian Culture e-mail list on Yahoo!, where you can discuss art, music, cartoons, movies, TV, etc. and the Arts & Humanities forum on Liberty Forum. As well as disseminating info to your own lists and friends about upcoming films and shows, you may want to take it a step further. You can purchase videos at low cost (see Miss Liberty's video store) and place them in your public library, school library, or even in local video stores for rental. Or, for an even larger step, think about producing a "Liberty Hour" on public access TV, where you can either show films that are out of copyright, or have a "liberty culture" show where you discuss films, videos, music, art, etc. For info on getting into "public access programming," see the resources at the Alliance for Community Media. One final note for any budding film makers and writers out there: don't forget to apply for a "Film & Fiction Scholarship" from the Institute for Humane Studies. Deadline is January 15, 2003, and, it could mean a $10,000 scholarship for you, and, a promise to the rest of us that libertarian themes will continue to be developed in our culture, with the hope that someday, they will be the mainstream. Til next week For Freedom Mary Lou P.S. BTW, in last week's column, I asked libertarian music makers to send me info on their songs for sharing with the list. Steven Schub -- singer for "the world's greatest (and only) Objectivist Ska Band sent in a link to The Fenwicks site, and, songwriter Mickey Olsen sent in his song "I am an Eagle". Check em out, these are great! Links o The top 20 Libertarian films o Miss Liberty's Film & TV World o "Miss Liberty's Guide to Film and Video: Movies for the o Firefly o Summary of John Stossel's "Government War on Drugs Fails" o FreeNation TV o Yahoo "Libertarian Culture" discussion group. o Liberty Forum: Arts& Humanities o Alliance for Community Media o IHS Film & Fiction Scholarships >From last week o The Fenwicks o "I am an Eagle" o Action of the Week archive: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: -----------------------------------------------------------------
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