Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: November 12, 2002 Celebrate National Ammo Day OK, all you Second Amendment supporters! Here's a great action we can all take next week to show the gun-grabbers how strong support for the Second really is. This is a really simple action. All you need to do is buy an extra 100 rounds of ammunition on November 19th! Hey, you always can use an extra 100 rounds, right? There's no such thing as "too much ammo" ... and if we all buy ammo on the same day, well, that sends a powerful message: We can say to our fellow citizens that there are BILLIONS of rounds of ammunition in the hands of their law-abiding neighbors. The goal of National Ammo Day is a peaceful "BUYcott" by gun rights advocates, each buying at least 100 rounds of ammunition. A BUYcott is the opposite of a BOYcott. In a BOYcott, people send a message by refusing to purchase a particular good or service. With a BUYcott, people intentionally buy something to make their support of the company or product widely known. There are an estimated 75 million gun owners in America. If each gun owner or Second Amendment supporter buys 100 rounds of ammunition, that's 7.5 BILLION rounds! The originators of National Ammo Day will maintain the sales records (provided optionally and voluntarily by ammunition sellers and buyers through an on site form) of the ammunition sold on November 19 and make this information known to the newspapers, the new services, and the politicians locally and nationally. The idea is simple but dramatic: to get the ammo off the shelves of stores and into the hands of private citizens where it belongs and, at the same time, send a message to the gun-grabbers. You can also support National Ammo Day by signing the "unofficial pledge," adding a link on your website to the National Ammo Day site, spreading the word to your friends, local media and representatives and, of course, writing a letter to the editor and/or calling in to your local radio talk show to promote the event. There are several camera-ready posters and flyers available for download from the website, including an "I Want You To Buy Ammo" poster and flyers to post and hand out in your community. There is also a "print your own" bumper sticker -- or you can order it pre-printed. You also may want to contact your ammunition supplier and let them know of your intention to purchase ammunition on November 19, so they will have plenty of supply on hand to meet the demand. Even if you are not a gun owner yourself, but want to show your support, you can participate by buying 100 rounds of ammo and donating it to a gun owner friend or a shooting club. If you handload, purchase bullets and powder. One final note: since the idea is to promote the fact that there are a huge number of law abiding armed citizens, it's critical to the success of the project that you comply with all the laws of your state and locale concerning ammo purchase, handling and storage. Don't inadvertently give the gun grabbers any "ammo" against US! See the info on laws posted at the Ammo Day site for more info. Let's all do our part in making the first National Ammo Day a big success! What could be better than increasing the "firepower" of the armed citizens of this country and simultaneously letting the victim disarmers know that we care about our rights and WILL preserve and protect them. Til next week For Freedom Mary Lou PS: Some "action tools" that I just can't wait til next week to share... The inimitable Kent van Cleave has four new posters at his Homeland Security site; the first, a swipe at the insidious Homeland Security Act now before Congress (on the agenda to be passed THIS WEEK); the second takes a jab at America's approach to all problems, both foreign and domestic: declare war; the third celebrates the "American Troika," a working alliance of three factions: the Socialist welfare mongers, the corporate mercantilists, and the politicians and bureaucrats who create and enforce policy. The fourth, "Snooze on America," is especially apropos after the election. Download these wonderful posters and post them in your community today (while you still can). Links o National Ammo Day o Download Page (Ammo Day flyers, Poster) o Ammo Day Bumper Sticker o Pledge to Buy Ammo Nov.19 o Laws on ammo o Homeland Security Posters o Lott Says He Has Votes to Approve Homeland Security Department Legislation ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: -----------------------------------------------------------------
In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.
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