Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
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November 21, 2002
Stop supporting government intrusion into health care

One of the biggest issues in the last election cycle was health 
care: whether more taxpayer money should be used to support 
health care, whether we should have a "single payer" system, etc. 
And you can be sure that no matter what the results in this 
election, the subject will come up again, and again, unless a large 
number of Americans stop letting politicians set the agenda and 
manage to free themselves from the perceived need for government 
involvement in health care. 

This week, let's start promoting various ways individuals can stop 
supporting government intrusion into medical care, so that by next 
election cycle, the issue will be on the back burner where it 

SimpleCare is one example of a market-based solution to the rising 
cost of health care. Participating doctors, labs, etc. voluntarily 
lower their fees for SimpleCare patients who pay in full at the time 
of service. SimpleCare is NOT designed to be a "discount" 
program.  It is a program that allows doctors to charge a fair and 
reasonable price for their service, and be reimbursed in full at the 
time of service, without incurring the high expense of billing and 
coding associated with most insurance and third party contracts. 
The first step, of course, is getting YOUR doctor signed up to 
participate in SimpleCare -- or to find a new doctor who will.
Another possible action you can take is setting up a Medical 
Savings Account in conjunction with a catastrophic health 
insurance policy. An MSA is not one of those flexible, use-it-or-
lose-it accounts offered by some employers, where you have to 
predict your health care expenses for the year and run the risk of 
losing your money. A contribution to an MSA is tax deductible and 
withdrawals used for medical purposes are tax and penalty free. 
Any unused funds can roll over to the next year. For information on 
how to set up an MSA, see Americans for Free Choice in Medicine.

For an excellent article on why a catastrophic health care policy is 
probably all that most Americans ever need, see "No Heath 
Insurance? So What?" 

One quick note here ... many health problems might possibly be 
prevented or controlled by natural and holistic approaches. Check 
out the Doctor Yourself website for information on how to take 
charge of your own routine health care, and lower your dependence 
on "allopathic" (drug- and surgery-oriented) medicine.

LifeSharers offers a market-based solution to organ donations. 
LifeSharers members promise to donate upon their death, but they 
give fellow members first access to their organs and tissue. Even if 
you are already a registered organ donor, you should join the 
LifeSharers network.  By doing so, you will have access to organs 
and tissue that otherwise may not be available to you. 
(Membership in LifeSharers is free, and brochures are available for 
download to help publicize this important new venture.)

The ultimate in government intrusion into health care has got to be 
the state's insistence on vaccination ... whether you want it or not. 
The most recent example of this is the current hoopla over possible 
forced smallpox vaccinations. Vaccination Liberation provides 
information on vaccinations not often made available to the public 
so that one can make an informed choice and is offering a reward 
for activism in disseminating anti-smallpox vaccine information.  
The idea behind this form of activism is that individuals should 
decide whether or not they want vaccines, not the government. 
Vaccination Liberation also offers information on legal avenues to 
take on an individual basis to "exempt" your children and yourself 
from forced vaccination.

In our continuing activism to promote a culture where individual 
liberty is the norm, let's concentrate our efforts this week on 
individual responsibility for our own health care and freedom from 
government dictates, as well as the decreased costs that will come 
when the market rules medical care.

Til next week

For Freedom!

Mary Lou  


  o SimpleCare

  o Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (AFCM)

  o No Heath Insurance? So What?

  o Doctor Yourself

  o LifeSharers

  o Vaccination Liberation

  o Reward offered for anti-smallpox vaccine activism

  o American Council on Science and Health

  o Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

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In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

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