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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
and other lists, click to:

December 5th, 2002
Not just another Bill of Rights Day

On December 15, 1791, the first ten amendments to the 
Constitution of the United States -- the Bill of Rights -- went into 
effect, and that date has been celebrated by freedom lovers ever 
since as Bill of Rights Day.

This year, with the Bill of Rights under attack as never before in 
(my memory, at least), it is especially poignant and bittersweet to 
recall the efforts of the Founders to draw a "line in the sand" that 
the government would dare not cross. Ten lines, actually, 
enumerated in the Bill of Rights, to preserve and defend the liberty 
of future generations.

With the USA PATRIOT Act and the forthcoming "Homeland 
Security Department" huffing and puffing and threatening to blow 
down the Fourth Amendment, "Free Speech Zones" making a 
mockery of the First Amendment, and the U.S. Supreme Court 
seemingly poised to destroy the Fifth Amendment in a 
reconsideration of Miranda, the Bill of Rights seems to be 
disappearing with dizzying speed right before our eyes.

There are, however signs of "Resistance Rising."  Starting in 
February 2002, citizens of various towns around the U.S. began 
organizing Bill of Rights Defense Committees for the purpose of 
getting their local governments to pass resolutions "in defense of 
the Bill of Rights" and in opposition to the draconian provisions of 
2001's USA PATRIOT Act.  The fifteenth city resolution denouncing 
that act was passed on November 26th in Eugene, Oregon, and by 
the time you read this, other such resolutions may have been 
passed as well. For information on how to organize a Bill of Rights 
Defense Committee in your community, see the "Tips and Tools" 
page from the Northampton, MA Bill of Rights Defense Council, 
which started this movement with the help of the ACLU.

Which brings me to a vital point: If we are serious about saving the 
Bill of Rights in these perilous times, we must reach out to freedom 
lovers on both sides of the left-right divide, put aside our differences 
and join forces. "Your Best Friends Might Be on the Other Side of 
the Political Spectrum," from the JPFO's BoR Day 2001 
celebration, brings home this crucial fact of life.  

JPFO, of course, has the premier collection of activities and 
actions for celebrating Bill of Rights Day. Pins, posters, t-shirts, 
sample letters to the editor, proclamations for your town ... and this 
year, JPFO also supplies the music for your celebration, with the 
new "I will Live Free" CD of songs celebrating the Bill of Rights. 
(See if your local radio station will play some of the songs!)

No Bill of Rights Day celebration would be complete without some 
Bill of Rights Enforcement buttons from L. Neil Smith's "Bill of 
Rights Enforcement Page." Order your button(s) to wear or hand 
out to friends (and foes, to make them squirm) ... included with 
each button ordered is a card with the text of Smith's essay "Save 
America -- Enforce the Bill of Rights."

One final, easy action to take: send a Bill of Rights Day e-card 
from Founding Fathers Virtual Cards to everyone on your list, 
reminding them to get ready for December 15.
This year, liberty activists must, more urgently than ever before, 
rally our forces to make THIS Bill of Rights Day one that is 
remembered and celebrated as fervently as the one in 1791. 

So ... get your buttons and t-shirts on, take those resolutions to 
your city council, write those letters to the editor. Let's make this 
December 15 a day the statists will NEVER forget -- the day we 
rally together and begin to take back our freedom before it is swept 
away for good.  

Till next week

For Freedom

Mary Lou


  o Do you have the right to remain silent?

  o Muzzling Free Speech

  o Resistance Rising

  o Patriot Act earns council's `no' vote

  o Organize a Bill of Rights Defense Committee

  o Your Best Friends Might Be on the Other Side of the Political 

  o JPFO: Celebrating Bill of Rights Day

  o I Will Live Free

  o L. Neil Smith's Bill of Rights Enforcement Page

  o Bill of Rights Enforcement Buttons

  o Founding Fathers E-Cards

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In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.

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