Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
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Second week of August:
Fighting against the War on Drugs

John Stossel's July 30 broadcast on 20/20, "Government's War on 
Drugs Fails," was seen by millions of Americans. The show's basic 
message? "Fighting drug use with prohibition has not made a 
substantial difference in the amount of crime and drug abuse in the 
United States." That message was delivered in Stossel's usual 
populist style, with "devil's advocate" interviewing of Drug Czar Asa 
Hutchinson and segments with police chiefs, priests and judges 
calling for an end to prohibition. 

This national network exposure gives a great boost to those of us 
who have been trying to raise awareness on this vital issue, and, 
for this week's action, I suggest that we capitalize on this positive 
exposure and work on "seeding" our communities with info on the 
War on Drugs, the government's failure, the effect of the war on its 
victims, the cost of incarcerating non-violent drug users, etc.

In my earlier Action of the Week column, "If you can't dance," I 
gave some tips on how to "seed" your community, on an 
anonymous basis, with cartoons making fun of the police state. 
Let's use those same methods to "seed" our meatspace 
communities with anti-drug-war materials! (If you want to use the 
materials to gain publicity for your local libertarian or anti-drug-war 
group, simply stamp the materials with your group's contact info.)

Common Sense for Drug Policy is an excellent resource for 
camera ready "anti-drug-war" PSAs in the form of glossy ads 
(which CSDP runs in major magazines such as National Review, 
The Nation, Reason Magazine and The Progressive), and which 
you can download, print, and use as posters (or, if you're 
especially flush with money this month, run as ads in your local 
newspaper). Two recent ads -- "Isn't Rewarding Achievement The 
American Way?" and "Who says we're winning the drug war?"  -- 
are especially apropos.

Resources for stories about the human cost of the drug war, 
including stories from prisoners of the War on Drugs, as well as 
other resources and projects, can be found at  Families Against 
Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), Drug War Prisoners and The 
November Coalition.

If you'd like to spread the word using a cartoon, Jack Russmo's 
"Marijuana Measures" is a good one.

If writing letters to the editor is your cup of tea, this is a great 
opportunity; simply start your letter with something along the lines 
of "I was watching John Stossel's broadcast on the War on Drugs, 
and got to thinking ..." for a lead-in that will be familiar (and 
therefore comfortable) to a large number of readers.

So, for this week's action, let's continue to spread the "prohibition 
doesn't work" meme and do our part in fighting against the War on 

Til next week ...

For Freedom!

Mary Lou


Summary of John Stossel's "Government=92s War on Drugs Fails:"

Video archive of the special:

Common Sense for Drug Policy Ads:

CSDP Ad: "Isn't Rewarding Achievement The American Way?"

CSDP Ad: "Who says we're winning the drug war?"

Families Against Mandatory Minimums FAMM):

Drug War Prisoners:

The November Coalition:

Russmo's "Marijuana Measures:"

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 Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors.
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"Anarchism is founded on the observation that
since few men are wise enough to rule themselves,
even fewer are wise enough to rule others."

-- Edward Abbey

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