Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
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Third week of August, 2002:
Support political defendant Nathan Barton 

On August 3, at the state fair in Huron, South Dakota, Nathan 
Barton was arrested, handcuffed, removed from the fairgrounds, 
and hauled off to the county jail. His crime? Barton, the Libertarian 
candidate for governor of South Dakota,  opened his mouth.

Haven't heard that story yet? You're not alone. Even if you live in 
South Dakota, you wouldn't have seen the story in your local 
paper. The mainstream media is ignoring the story. After all, it's 
just some "third party" candidate. Nobody cares, right?

If you have heard the story, chances are it's because you're a 
politically aware individual. Perhaps you read about it in one of two 
Sierra times pieces. Or maybe you heard Illinois talk radio host 
Keith Gottschalk, of WJBC, interviewing Barton. Perhaps you even 
saw the Jackbooted Thug of the Month award that's just been given 
to the arresting officer (Gary Kingsbury), who "while on vacation 
and sixty miles outside of his normal jurisdiction, went above and 
beyond the call of Thuggish duty to evict and arrest an official 
candidate for Governor of South Dakota from a purportedly open 
debate with the candidates." 

Despite the fact that Nathan Barton and the South Dakota 
Libertarian Party immediately sent a press release to all the local 
South Dakota media ... there has been NO coverage.

Nathan's "trial," on charges of "disorderly conduct" and 
"obstructing a law enforcement officer," is scheduled for August 21 
at 1:30 PM (1330) CST at the Beadle County Courthouse in Huron.

If you or any of your friends or family are anywhere near that neck 
of the woods, you may want to drop on by the hearing to show your 
support. (Contact Nathan first to see if the SDLP has any action 

If you, like many of us, are nowhere near South Dakota, let's do our 
part to publicize this latest example of police state mentality and 
total disregard of the Constitution. For this week's action, let's write 
letters to the editor to the "news"papers in South Dakota, decrying 
this treatment of peaceful protest and urging them to interview 
Nathan and to show up at the hearing and cover it as a news event. 

Let's make sure they know that there are those of us in the country 
who DO care, and care deeply, when anyone's First Amendment 
rights are violated, and let them know that we think the press has a 
special obligation to cover free speech issues, since their own 
existence depends on the First Amendment.

The South Dakota "news"papers and contact info are listed below. 
(I suggest FAXing and/or snail mailing your letters as well as 
emailing. Phone calls may also be appropriate.)

South Dakota "News"paper contact information:

Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Letters to the Editor
Argus Leader
P.O. Box 5034
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5034 
Fax (605) 331-2294

Rapid City Journal
Opinion Page Editor
(605) 394-8427
Rapid City Newsdesk, P.O. Box 450, Rapid City, SD, 57709 
Fax: 406-523-5294

Huron Daily Plainsman
Form to submit LTEs:

Mitchell Daily Republic
P.O. Box 1288
120 S. Lawler
Mitchell, South Dakota 57301
Fax: 605-996-7793

Let's do our darndest to get Nathan's story into the news ... where 
it will serve as a "heads up" to freedom fighters around the country! 
This month, the jack boots are marching in South Dakota ... how 
long til they come to YOUR state?

Til next week

For freedom!

Mary Lou


Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate Arrested At State Fair:

Goodbye To The First Amendment:


Keith Gottschalk (WJBC.Com) Home Page:

Jackbooted Thug of the Month Award:

SD Libertarian Party Press Release:

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