Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
and other lists, click to:

Fourth Week of August, 2002:
Support private animal rescue efforts

How often do you see a sign saying "Free Kittens" or "Free 
Puppies" on a community bulletin board or in someone's yard, or, 
an ad in the weekly shopper? This time of year, breeding season, 
summer to fall, I bet you see a lot of them. And how many stray 
cats and dogs do you see, usually starving and mangy, rummaging 
through trash cans or slinking in the shadows? Every sign or ad 
you see, every stray cat or dog, is another indication that too many 
folks in this country, which prides itself on self reliance and taking 
responsibility for our actions, do exactly the opposite. 

I'm sure I don't need to "preach" responsibility  to libertarians, who, 
after all, are supposed to be firmly behind the principle of "with 
freedom comes responsibility." I'm sure all of you do spay or neuter 
your pets and take care to find them a good home if you move to a 
"no pets allowed" environment. 

But there are thousands or perhaps millions of pet "owners" out 
there who can't be bothered to take the time and minimal funds 
needed to ensure that their pets are taken care of in a responsible 
manner, and either discard the results of their irresponsibility, or, at 
best, put a "free kittens" sign in their yard or take the unwanted 
discards to the government animal control shelters, so the rest of 
us will have to pay for their irresponsibility. In addition, the 
increasing burden put on the government shelters by these 
irresponsible pet owners is causing calls for undesirable 
government intervention, such as mandatory licensing.

Due to the increasing number of uncaring, irrepressible pet owners 
and the sheer volume of unwanted pets "dumped" on the 
government "animal control" shelters, the government shelters have 
little choice but to kill those animals who are unadoptable after a 
certain length of time. 

This is where we can take action. There are private organizations, 
in almost every town, that operate "no kill" shelters. These 
organizations rescue unwanted animals, give them medical 
attention (including spaying/neutering), "foster" them with 
responsible, caring individuals, and offer them for adoption. These 
organizations also may offer "TNR" (trap-neuter-return) campaigns, 
where adult stray animals are captured, neutered, and then 
released again. Though not as desirable as adoption, TNR efforts at 
least function as humane animal control, helping to prevent the 
stray animal population from continuing to explode.

This week, I'm asking you to take action to help those millions of 
unwanted animals who have been discarded and to support the 
efforts of the "no kill" private shelters throughout our country. You 
may be able offer to "foster" an unwanted pet until it can be 
adopted. You may be able to volunteer to transport the animals to 
the vets who spay/neuter pro bono, or help find vets and vet techs 
to volunteer their services. 

You may be able to participate in (or start) a "TNR" (trap-neuter-
return) campaign to  effectively reduce stray animal population by 
sterilization -- not euthanasia. Alley Cat Allies is preparing for the 
second annual National Feral Cat Day October 16, 2002 to bring 
greater awareness of nonlethal methods of feral cat population 

At the very least, you can donate time, money, or even just a bag 
of dog or cat food to your local private shelter. Even if you 
personally don't "like animals," this is a community problem 
caused by irresponsibility and government "nannyism'" which you 
can help alleviate by private action. 

To find a private shelter in your community, Feline Rescue has a 
listing of shelters worldwide, as well as resources for low cost 
spay/neuter, and Best Friends Network offers networking to help 
you find others in your community who are helping homeless pets.

If there are no private shelters in your community, you can get 
together with your friends and start one. There are numerous online 
resources to help, such as the excellent resources from Best 
Friends, including "How to start your own sanctuary'" "How to start 
a spay/neuter day," "How to organize an adoption day" and more. 
There is also a section of articles on "What one person can do" 
that may give you even more ideas.

So, for this week's action, I urge you to show by your actions in 
your own community that libertarians do indeed practice what we 
preach by supporting private shelters and animal rescue efforts.  
Not only will you be helping to rescue the throwaways of our 
society, and to reduce a public health hazard by private action, you 
will gain a lot of personal satisfaction and some new friends, both 
human and animal.

Til next week

For freedom (and responsibility)

Mary lou

Alley Cat Allies

World Wide Directory of Shelters

Resources from Best Friends
How to Start Your Own Sanctuary

Starting a spay/neuter program

What one person can do

Building a Brigade

How to organize an adoption day

Join the Best Friends Network

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 Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors.
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"Anarchism is founded on the observation that
since few men are wise enough to rule themselves,
even fewer are wise enough to rule others."

-- Edward Abbey

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