Freedom Action of the Week
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Free-Market.Net's F r e e d o m A c t i o n o f t h e W e e k ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: First week of September 2002: Support the "Sawgrass Rebellion" >From wildfires in the West to floods in Florida, the results of ill conceived government land use policies are destroying the very environment they are supposedly "protecting." A smorgasbord of coercive land use policies are forcing private land owners off their land, in the name of "conservation," "land stewardship," "Smart Growth" and "sustainable development." What the government land use planners cannot (or will not) understand is the simple fact that the best "land stewards" are the private property owners themselves: those to whom preservation of land means preservation of livelihood. As we discussed in a previous Action of the Week, "Speak out on Federal Land Use Planning," federal land use planning is one of the biggest current threats to the remnants of freedom in the United States. The "Sawgrass Rebellion" is an umbrella organization founded to protect the property rights of South Florida residents, whose property is being targeted for "reclamation" by the government. The movement reflects the growing opposition to the unwarranted taking of property by local, state and federal agencies. The "Sawgrass Rebellion" is planning a huge rally in support of the embattled South Florida residents in Naples and Homestead, Florida October on 17-19, 2002. Leaders of grassroots organizations from across America will share stories about how their land and resources are being taken over by government- sponsored programs. Rally participants will travel in four separate caravans from different parts of the country. You can support the efforts of the "Sawgrass Rebellion" in several ways. First, add your name to the growing list of supporters by signing up on the web page to support the movement and receive the newsletter. (If you are a member of an organization, your organization can also "join the Rebellion" as a sponsor. More than 700 groups from across the country have pledged their support so far, including Citizens for a Sound Economy, the American Policy Center and many others.) Second, take a look at the "caravan route" map on the website; if you live along the route, contact one of the Caravan organizers for info on how to "join the Caravan" or participate in actions or press events planned along the route. Third, you can write letters to the editor in support of the rebellion and caravan to newspapers in the areas along the caravan route. Fourth, you can contribute to the relief fund, designated to provide relief to those families displaced by the government land use policies. Finally, if you can, make plans to attend the Sawgrass Rebellion Rally in Naples and Homestead, Florida. Two days of events and activities are planned, culminating in a giant parade across Homestead's Alligator Alley. If reports from the organizers are any indication, this could be one of the biggest pro-freedom events in recent years. Til next week For Freedom! Mary Lou BTW ... a reader of last week's Action on Jury Rights Day had a marvelous suggestion for ongoing action throughout the year. He is a small business owner and plans to begin providing a hard copy of the _Juror's Handbook: A Citizens Guide to Jury Duty_ from the FIJA web site to each of his employees when they are called for jury duty! If you're fortunate enough to have a pro-freedom boss, suggest this idea to him or her ... if not, you can certainly do this yourself (as a private citizen, during "non-work" time, of course). ================== Links: o June 26 Action of the Week: Speak out on Federal Land Use Planning o Sawgrass Rebellion o Sign up to Support the Sawgrass Rebellion o Citizens for a Sound Economy to Participate in "Sawgrass Rebellion" o American Policy Center "Blind Spot: Sustainable Development" o Organizations Supporting Sawgrass Rebellion o Sawgrass Caravan Sept. 28-Oct.17 o Sawgrass Rebellion Rally o Contribute to the Sawgrass Relief Fund o The Juror's Handbook from FIJA (pertinent to last week's column) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward and copy freely, and include the following: The Freedom Action of the Week is a feature of Free-Market.Net Opinions expressed are purely those of our writers and editors. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to: To support the Action of the Week and other activities of FMN and The Henry Hazlitt Foundation, please make a tax-deductible donation now: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas L. Knapp "It would be strange indeed if so Director of Partner Services celestial an article as FREEDOM The Freedom Network should not be highly rated." -- Tom Paine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
In December 2004 this page was modified significantly from its original form for archiving purposes.
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