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Free-Market.Net's  F r e e d o m  A c t i o n  o f  t h e  W e e k
Edited by Mary Lou Seymour. To subscribe or unsubscribe to this
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Second Week of September, 2002
Celebrate Constitution Day

After the American Revolution was ended and the final treaty of 
peace signed (September 3, 1783), the nitty gritty work of setting 
up a government designed to keep the new nation "free" began. 

The Federal Convention convened in the State House 
(Independence Hall) in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the 
Articles of Confederation (which had been adopted in 1781). It soon 
became clear that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the 
Convention would draft an entirely new framework of government. 
All through the long hot summer (without air conditioning!) the 
delegates debated, drafting and redrafting the articles of the new 

Finally, on September 17, 1787, the new Constitution was signed 
by the delegates and sent out to the states for ratification. On June 
21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the 
Constitution, securing its adoption. The Constitution was ratified on 
July 2, 1788. 

For this week's action, let's promote the celebration of 
"Constitution Day," September 17, to commemorate the document, 
unlike any other, produced by the delegates to the Constitutional 

Sadly, nowadays, a thorough education in history seems to be 
taking second place in the schools to "character building" and 
"socialization." Many younger Americans -- and their children -- 
may let the celebration of this important day slip by unnoticed.

Letters to the editor of your local paper on the importance of 
Constitution Day may be a good start. For more info on the making 
of the Constitution, see the materials (linked below) from the 
Constitution Society, FoundingFathers.Info and the National 

If you have children or grandkids in school (or homeschooling!), the 
National Archives has an excellent selection of materials suitable 
for use on Constitution Day. You may also want to contact your 
local school to see what activities they have planned for 
Constitution Day, and if nothing is planned, offer to provide the 
materials mentioned above.

While we are celebrating Constitution Day, however, let's not forget 
that several states ratified solely on the basis of a promise that the 
first Congress would amend the Constitution to include a Bill of 
Rights, spelling out the immunities of individual citizens and 
restrictions on the central government. The first ten amendments to 
the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified 
December 15, 1791.

Which brings me to a First Amendment issue that is making news 
around the country. This time of year in particular, leading up to 
election season, those in power tend to be even more "willfully 
ignorant" of the First Amendment than they usually are. 

As mentioned in a previous Action of the Week ("Support political 
defendant Nathan Barton") Libertarian candidate Nathan Barton 
was arrested on August 3 for exercising his free speech rights in 
South Dakota . Nathan has pled "Not Guilty," and his trial date will 
be November 14. Coverage continues on the Internet and South 
Dakota newspapers are now picking up the story.

On August 25, Arizona Libertarian candidate Joe Duarte was 
arrested while picketing a debate that was closed to LP 
candidates. Joe's initial hearing is coming up September 16. 
Reports are coming in from other areas of the country, where 
Libertarian, Independent and third party candidates are being 
excluded from debates (often held on public property or using 
taxpayer money), and, more than likely, other arrests are 

Please do whatever you can to support these brave "freedom 
fighters" who are laying their "lives, fortunes and honor" on the line 
for First Amendment rights! Those of you who do have occasion to 
step up to the plate, remember the first rule of "confrontational 
action" ... don't do it alone and make sure it's publicized. Have a 
friend with a camcorder (a video to give to the media and use as 
possible evidence in court is vital), and a friend with cash bail 
money (never stay in jail a minute longer than necessary). For 
more tips on "confrontational action," see "The First Amendment 
and You." (While you may not think of exercising your First 
Amendment rights as "confrontational," in this day and time, it is.)

Til next week

For freedom!

Mary lou


  o Constitution Society

  o Founding Fathers Info

  o The Creation of the Constitution

  o Constitution Day Activities

  o Support political defendant Nathan Barton
  o Nathan Barton's Political Free Speech Case Ongoing Saga

  o Libertarian to face trial for outburst at State Fair

  o Libertarian arrested for displaying protest sign

  o The First Amendment and You
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